Occasionally despite doing everything right problems happen.
Honey can ferment when it's moisture level is too high (more than 20%)
This was tested at 18.1%. It started setting almost straight away but separated.
Whenever I see separation I suspect the possibility that fermentation will occur and set the jars asside to monitor them. Setting honey at the bottom dispells moisture into the honey at the top, which can cause the % moisure in the top to raise above 20%.
Sometimes I see separation where it remains below 20% at the top and I get an interesting 1/2 anhoney.set and runny honey.
But in this case the top now measures 21%. Interestingly the bottom is 17.4%.
Not all is lost though..... it is now classed as Bakers Honey and can be used for cooking etc. Or... Make the drink of the gods...
