This weekend my focus was on wax and woodpeckers.
After extracting loads of honey this year I have a lot of buckets of wax cappings. Currently i have no sophisticated equipment for this (something that's on the list to address) so I resort to basic and time consuming methods of processing the wax.
I start off by adding a little water to a pan, then adding wax, and leave it on a gentle heat just enough to keep the wax liquid. The wax while quite clean wiĺl have some honey and some debis in. As these are generally heavier than wax they sink into the water leaving the wax floating on top.
Finally the pan is taken off the heat and allowed to cool until the wax is set as a disc on top of the now dirty water.
The process is repeated a couple of times.
The discs are still a little imperfect but this will be removed with filtering later
After the damage a few weeks ago by woodpeckers, I've started repairs.
While Poly hives are more vulnerable to damage they are also easier to repair. A bit of polyfilla and some paint and it's fixed
